Our minds are always intrigued by ‘world’s first’, ‘largest’, ‘smallest’, ‘tallest’… it’s an awe-inspiring feat that impresses with its every minute detail. Well, there is a thrill of accomplishment that kind of recharges one with such news – as if the achievement is personal. Our office experienced this excitement as we wrote about the Makr Shakr – the world’s first robotic cocktail maker aboard a luxury cruise liner; as much as we enthused about India’s largest LED façade at Ahmedabad!
The excitement stayed on with the residence-cum-studio of Layers led by an architect couple from Gurgaon; a must-read feature of an eclectically styled warm and vibrant hearth; and of course, we are still abuzz with the pavilion designs at the Milan Expo that has opened doors on May 1st.
Happy reading!
Savitha Hira


Principal Architect
Sanjay Puri Architects – Mumbai
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